Revolution Brewing & HAAS® collab using innovative products—and celebrate 3000 batches brewed!
Listen in as we discuss how Revolution Brewing & HAAS® created RH3000 using some of our innovative products: LUPOMAX®, INCOGNITO®, and SPECTRUM.
In this episode of the HAAS® HopCast®, listen in as Micah Cawley, HAAS Midwest Sales Manager, and Jeff Barnes, HAAS Innovations Brewery Research Brewer, talk with the innovative brew team at Revolution Brewing: Jim Cibak, Brewmaster, and Evan Isaac, Brewing Manager.
Revolution Brewing, based in Chicago, is Illinois’ largest independently-owned brewery. This December, Revolution proudly released their “RH3000 DDH Hero”—the latest installment of their beloved Hero IPAs—to celebrate the brewery’s 3,000th batch of beer and to spotlight three of HAAS’ most innovative flavor and aroma products: LUPOMAX®, INCOGNITO® and SPECTRUM.
Jim and Evan discuss the work that went into creating this new collaboration with Micah and Jeff, and why they picked these HAAS hop products for this special, double dry-hopped beer. They also get into how they create brewery efficiencies while putting the most flavor into their beers.
Read more about this collaboration project in our interview with Doug Velicky, Revolution Brewing’s Chief Strategy Officer, on our blog:…-batches-brewed/
Thank you to Josh, Jim, Evan, Doug, and the whole team at Revolution Brewing for this opportunity to make an amazing and flavorful beer with you!
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