Join us for the Hops Academy in August
The academy’s courses are given world-wide and have been accredited by Germany’s Institute of Masters of Beer (IMB) as an integral part of their professional training certificate program.
Hops have certainly garnered a great deal of attention in the brewing world recently, and there is much to be learned about the marriage of hops and beer. The Barth-Haas Group developed the Hops Academy with this in mind – a goal to educate brewers about hops, and how to use hops and hop products to the brewers’ advantage. The academy’s courses are given world-wide and have been accredited by Germany’s Institute of Masters of Beer (IMB) as an integral part of their professional training certificate program.
That is all good and well, but the Barth-Haas Hops Academy course in Yakima during the hop harvest is special. It’s in the center of the world’s second largest hop growing area (neck and neck with the Hallertau region of Germany), and if you haven’t experienced the awesomeness of exploring a fully mature hop “garden” or seen hop harvesting in action, you’re in for a real experience. But the Hops Academy course is not just tours of hop fields, harvesting, and social events. It is designed as an introductory educational foray into hops and provides enough technical depth to provide a deeper look into the workings of Humulus lupulus, and why hops are so unique and important for brewers. Specialists from both the U.S. and Germany will be there to give insights into the different aspects of hops and brewing including:
- Hop botany and cultivation
- Breeding and new variety development
- Hop products and their applications, including pellets, CO2 extract, even advanced products
- Hop chemistry, quality, and sensory analysis, of both hops and beer
Don’t worry about the chemistry if you’re not a brewing geek – some of the information may be over your head, but you won’t be overwhelmed. And much of the insight you gain will help you understand and appreciate the benefits and hops and how to best utilize them to your advantage. However, if you are technically savvy, you won’t be bored. You can interact with highly knowledgeable experts who can help you with any of your questions or issues regarding hops and beer.
To best provide an intimate experience, this Hops Academy program in Yakima will be a small group, limited to just 30 participants. In addition, our aim for the program is to be not just educational but entertaining with some fun built in … including our evening BBQ at the Haas traditional Bavarian beer garden.
Registration is $350. As I mentioned, space is limited and we’re only weeks away. Inquire directly to me at for further information and to register for the course. And for more information about the Barth-Haas Hops Academy, visit Hope to see you in Yakima.
Tim Kostelecky
Hops & Brewing Technical Specialist
John I. Haas, Inc. – Yakima WA